AFPI Karnataka Newsletter

Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2

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Akshay S Dinesh (Primary Care Physician)

The pandemic has left no one untouched. Not unexpectedly, it has disproportionately affected the vulnerable. The dilemmas are also harder for them. Break curfew and walk away from shut down cities towards home, towards family. Stay inside while the savings run dry. Avoid going to hospital and risk chronic diseases running out of hand. Close down small establishments. Forgo only source of income. Suffer from intimate partner violence. Take a toll on mental health.

In this edition, there are stories of sustainability and safety and of priorities in running small medical establishments. There are also critiques on the way larger establishments (including public health system) are run. We also pause to reflect on dilemmas that a routine consultation can bring. On an optimistic note, there are strategies for lifelong learning, followed by a scholarly article on molecular therapy in cancer.

You might have noticed that this issue has been delayed from the usual schedule. We blame the pandemic for that too. The entire world is resolute in getting back on track, and so are we. We learned during the last few weeks the power of modern communication tools. Webinars, videos, group calls, flyers - messages in various forms have been filling that gap created by "social distancing". Personally I feel like this is an opportunity to come together and strengthen this newsletter. If you are reading this, I urge you to send in your suggestions on how we can add more value to the experience. Also send in your contributions - whatever be the form - to our team. Together, let us make this a vibrant platform of ideas and innovation.